Flowers of the CT
The flowers on the trail are amazing. Fields of purple and yellow aster speckled with lupine Fireweed lights up lush creeks while columbines hold tight to the rocks in alpine meadows. I did not take pictures of every variety of flower along the trail but here is a sampling of what I saw. Black eyed Susan near a creek. Not able to identify. Lily of some type? Purple Lupine. Golden Aster Villosa flowers. Chiming Bells plant. Buttercup. Colorado columbine. Meadow of Alpine Sunflowers. Indian Paint brush. Shrubby Cinquefoil plants. Alpine Yarrow plants. More black eyed susans Fire weed. American Monk's Hood Flowers. Grouse Whortleberry Berries. Sun loving asters. Fairy trumpet flowers. Mountain Gentian flower. Raspberry bushes as far as the eyes can see. Fireweed is abundant along the trail. Mule's Ear Daisy. Tansy Aster plant. W...